The ideas behind our soap

Each one of our soaps is handmade with great care.
SUGI NO HA soap containing Japanese cedar leaf oil is a gift from the nature of Mt. Hakusan.
We use Japanese cedar leaf oil extracted from trees that grow in the forests of the sacred Mt. Hakusan, one of Japan’s three famous mountains. The main ingredient of the essential oil is said to have excellent sterilizing and antibacterial properties, and its refreshing aroma induces relaxation.

SUGI NO HA soap was developed to support forest thinning, which is essential to the mountain’s health, and contribute to community development.
Making products using essential oil extracted from thinned Japanese cedar trees gives forestry added value and promotes the cycle of planting, thinning and logging.

To ensure the safety of our products, we consulted the doctors and pharmacists of our affiliated clinic. Please try SUGI NO HA, which contains essential oil from Japanese cedar and other natural ingredients.
The essential oil is extracted from the leaves of thinned Japanese cedar trees using the steam distillation method.
Cedar leaves are steamed, and the vapor in the pot is transferred upward. The essential oil and aromatic distilled water are collected through a cooling process.
Only 5 ml of essential oil are collected from 1 kg of raw material.
For the steaming process, we use underflow water from Mt. Hakusan — water from melted snow that has seeped into the ground over a long period of time.
  • ESTER Soap Studio
  • Location: 11-60 Kashimadaira, Hakusan, Ishikawa 929-0206
  • Business: Production and sales of soap produced under the supervision of a dermatologist
  • 【Production of cosmetics】 Authorization No. 17CZ200006
  • 【Production and sales of cosmetics】 Authorization No. 17C0X10005
※A lot of handmade soaps on the market do not have the above qualification and are sold as miscellaneous goods. Products that have proven to be manufactured responsibly with regard to safety are distributed as “cosmetics”.